7 Simple Power Habits That Will Change Your Life Positively

7 Simple Power Habits That Will Change Your Life Positively

Did you know that a small thing can lead to something so big that you would not even imagine it? 

Almost always, tiny actions lead to something very big. 

Great wonders of nature like the Grand Canyon were formed by soil erosion over many years. 

Over time, something as small as sand, water, and rock have created one among the foremost awesome of nature’s miracles.

So too will small habits affect your life in such a way that it creates lasting and significant change. 

Here are a few habits to form and act on. These habits, small as they may seem, will shape you into the person you have always dreamt to be.

1. Get Up On Time

Please train yourself to get up as soon as the alarm goes off. You set the alarm with the intention of rising at that time – why are you then breaking that promise to yourself? By getting up on time, you’re putting a positive start on the day.

Shouldn’t you give yourself the simplest odds of an honest day as possible?  

Now, I believe that some people are night birds and some are early risers. Whatever category you are in, please ensure that you sleep well and maintain the routine regularly. 

Ideally, humans are made to sleep during the night and work during the day. But, I do realize that there are exceptions to the rule. 

So do what works best for you but maintain a daily routine and stick to it.

2. Eat Healthy At Every Meal

It’s hard to feel energized when you’re slogging along on a diet crammed with fats and sugars. 

When you put more healthy choices onto your plate, you'll feel better. 

Healthy food strengthens the body but also sharpens the brain. Start small and it will be easy. 

Add a salad to your meal. Or replace dessert with a piece of fruit instead. 

These small steps will go a long way to a healthy and strong body.

3. Exercise Regularly

Before you get trapped in thinking you would like tons of fancy equipment or huge time investment to feel good, re-evaluate. 

Start small. Try taking the steps at work rather than the elevator. 

Go for a little walk every day. It will energize you and make you feel light and more alive. 

You don't have to do any heavy exercises either. Just a few push-ups, a small walk, and that's it. 

You will start enjoying your exercise time and will look forward to it in a few days.

4. Read More Books

Dedicate some time daily to train your mind through reading books. 

You will get more knowledge and it will make you a better person. Read books that inspire and motivate you to become a better person and accomplish something big in life. 

Readers make leaders- remember that little but powerful phrase. Reading expands your perspective, knowledge, and appreciation of the variety of thoughts in the world.

It adds new words to your vocabulary and you understand more about other cultures, places, and people. It will enrich your life and understanding of the amazing world that we live in.

5. Realize You’re An ‘Idea’ Person

Make a goal of writing down a couple of ideas a day. Some researchers suggest ten but even one new idea each day means you’ve got source material to draw from when you’re trying to find something with which to challenge yourself. 

Every new invention, start-up, company, and initiative started as a small idea or thought. 

We must never underestimate the power of ideas, no matter how small or outlandish they may seem. The aviation industry that makes it possible for us to traverse the world with ease started as a small thought in the minds of the Wright brothers.

 Ideas are very powerful and give your mind the freedom of flight and imagine new things daily.

6. Become More Mindful

Meditate regularly and reflect on your life. 

Even starting small has the positive impact of reducing stress, lowering your pulse, and bringing a mind that’s running in a million directions directly back on target. 

Set aside time every day to become still and calm and reflect on your life. It will add depth and richness to your life. 

7. Think About Your Day

At the end of the day, just reflect on what you have accomplished. 

Focus on the things that satisfied you and helped another person to have some happiness. Have the habit of being grateful for what you accomplished during the day. 

Being grateful attracts more blessings and good things to you.

None of those items should take very long – even 15 or half-hour each day on a number of these is enough to make a lasting change. 

You will find out very quickly that by practicing these habits you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll also feel like the person that you had always wanted to become. 

That is building ‘you’ at your best. If a little change can do all that, then isn’t it time you started applying all the 7 habits?

I wish you all the best- stay healthy and live longer.

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